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Your best moments are the ones where you’ve got nothing to do but JUST taking CARE of yourself

What is self-care?

The act of taking time to care for yourself to be healthy and well and do all the things you need to and want to accomplish in a day is known as Self-Care.

There has been an “epidemic of anxiety and depression” since the past years and self-care can be the solution to help cope with daily stressors. 

There are various coping strategies that one can adopt to manage and decrease the effect of stress:

  1. Listening to soothing music
  2. Using calming essential oils topically
  3. Introducing Aromatherapy in daily routines 
  4. Bath rituals 
  5. Sleep rituals 

Although it is impossible to get rid of stress completely, the above few steps are known as calming sensory experiences that will make you feel good after a stressful day. 


Do you take care of yourself?

At Zenitora Wellness Store, we care about you and we want to help you bust stress and boost your wellbeing. 

To easily start a self-care routine, you may start by following these 5 simple steps indicated by Zenitora Wellness Store:

  • Find what makes you feel centered

Sara, an old friend of ours, once told us that the one thing that makes her feel centered after a long hectic day at work was this nice vanilla aroma that she gets when she opens her apartment door and that aroma mixed with the dim golden light from the lamp in the living room had a calming effect on her. For you, it could be anything; whether it’s the purple colour, receiving back rubs, essential oils, aromatherapy, exercising in nature, fitness sessions or a cup of herbal tea while listening to soothing music. 

  • Find inspiration on how you can introduce those things in your daily life

It could be in the background while preparing dinner or finishing some work like soothing music or aromas while using an essential oil diffuser. Or it can be a step that you add in your daily or weekly routine like soaking in a warm bath with aromatic candles around.

  • Set goals on how to incorporate these behaviours daily

After you made your decision on what practices to introduce to your life, set goals on how often and when you will put them in practice.  

  • Make an assessment after 7 days

Observe the benefits of the new practices that you introduced in your life and how you feel after 7 days. Use it as a motivation to complete the month. 

  • Adapt and adjust your practices as you proceed

We are talking about adjustment; we are talking about trial and errors, and we are talking about your wellbeing. Your needs will evolve with time. What might be good for you now might not be the same in a month.

You may check out our Zenitora latest arrivals in our Online Wellness Store.

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